Trends / Research

Facebook Research Presentations

NEW! The Fundamentals Behind Facebook. This is a look into all the facts and figures around Facebook you could ever want or need. Perfect for convincing that client to take the plunge!

NEW! Building Communities in Facebook. This is an online presentation showcasing how Facebook can be put to best use.

Effects of Social Media

NEW! How to calculate the ROI of your social media campaign: A much needed skill to have in the realm of Public Relations and Digital Communications. Check it out here.
NEW! Where social media is driving journalism: Take a look at this comprehensive article to clue up on how, when and why the face of our journalism is changing as we speak.

Best Practice:

E-mail has just taken a back seat to both social networks and and online games according to the latest Nielson stats. (Computerworld 3 Aug 2010).

NEW!  Nine steps to your most successful social media strategy
Ten Steps for Successful Media Relations 10 tips to land your ultimate story.
How to Develop a Social Media Policy (Society for New Communications Research)
Social Media Policies & Governance (examples from corporates throughout the world)

Brand Building Using a Social Content Ladder
• Twitter (5x/day)
• Facebook (2x/day)
• Blog (3x/week)
• Email (1x/week)
Check out:

Twitter statistics

Social Media Statistics - Face book up,  Bebo down, 42% of New Zealanders engaging with companies via social media.....

2010 Facebook Statistics for New Zealand

Nielsen 2010 Social Media Business Benchmarking Study Top 10 Consumer Trends for 2010

Do we watch the web, the same way we watch TV?
Not really says this April 2010 Nielsen report (scroll to page 8)
Key Trends:
- Online is predominantly a solitary activity compared to TV viewing
- ‘Context’ is just as much king as content
- TV viewing keeps increasing (due to high definition flat screen TVs, digital programming)
- Online video consumption is up 16% from last year

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